Config settings

Config = {}
Config.Debug = true -- Set to true if you want to see debug messages

Config.Framework = "qb"
    Supported Frameworks:
        • esx |
        • qb |

Config.FrameworkEvents = { -- Change these events if you changed their name in your framework script
    esx = { 
        resource_name = 'es_extended',
        main = 'esx:getSharedObject',
        load = 'esx:playerLoaded',
        job = 'esx:setJob'
    qbcore = { 
        resource_name = 'qb-core',
        main = 'QBCore:GetObject',
        load = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
        job = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate',
        gang = 'QBCore:Client:OnGangUpdate',

Config.Notifications = "qb"
    Supported Notifications:
        • esx
        • qb
        • okokNotify
        • pNotify
        • ps-ui

Config.ImageSource = "nui://qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Location of items images - leave empty if you want to upload images to this script folder

Config.OpenMenuKey = 51 -- Interaction key from

Config.TradeCooldown = 0 -- How long should a player wait after making another trade? (in seconds), 0 for no cooldown

Config.MaxInventoryWeight = 120000 -- ⚠️QB ONLY⚠️ Has to be the same as Config.MaxInventoryWeight in qb-inventory script 

Config.UseQBTarget = true -- ⚠️QB ONLY⚠️ Whether use QB-Target to interact with traders

Config.UseVoiceSpeech = true -- Set to false if you don't want trader to say "Hi" when opening Trade Menu

Config.Traders = {
        coords = vector3(-714.34, 5763.21, 17.33),      -- Trader coords
        spawnPed = true,                                -- Set to false if you don't want to create a trader ped and instead use a marker. Can't be "false" if Config.UseQBTarget is set to "true"
        pedModel = "a_f_m_beach_01",                    -- Ped model from - leave empty if "spawnPed" is set to "false"
        pedHeading = 65.0,                              -- Trader heading - don't touch if "spawnPed" is set to "false"
        range = 1.5,                                    -- From how far the player can open Trade Menu
        whitelistedJobs = {"gang", "mafia", "ballas"},  -- Only these jobs will be able to open Trade Menu
        blacklistedJobs = { },                          -- These jobs won't be able to open Trade Menu - Leave both empty if you want everyone to be able to open Trade Menu

        --@param give string name of the item you will give during the trade
        --@param giveLabel string name of the item that will appear on screen when hovering mouse over item image
        --@param giveAmount number item amount that you will give during the trade
        --@param giveType string "item" or "weapon" depending on what you give
        --@param take string name of the item you will get during the trade
        --@param takeLabel string name of the item that will appear on screen when hovering mouse over item image
        --@param takeAmount number item amount that you will get after the trade
        --@param takeType string "item" or "weapon" depending on what you will get
        offers = {                                      -- ⚠️Maximum 5 offers per trader⚠️
            {give = 'wine', giveLabel = 'Wine', giveAmount = 5, giveType = 'item', take = 'sandwich', takeLabel = 'Sandwich', takeAmount = 1, takeType = 'item'}, -- For 5 breads you will get 1 water
            {give = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', giveLabel = 'Pistol', giveAmount = 2, giveType = 'weapon', take = 'lighter', takeLabel = 'Lighter', takeAmount = 2, takeType = 'item'}, -- For 1 Pistol you will get 1 Vintage Pistol
            {give = 'lighter', giveLabel = 'Lighter', giveAmount = 2, giveType = 'item', take = 'WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL', takeLabel = 'Vintage Pistol', takeAmount = 2, takeType = 'weapon'}, -- For 15 Meth you will get 25 Weed
            {give = 'stickynote', giveLabel = 'Sticky note', giveAmount = 10, giveType = 'item', take = 'drill', takeLabel = 'Drill', takeAmount = 1, takeType = 'item'},
            {give = 'visacard', giveLabel = 'Visa Card', giveAmount = 3, giveType = 'item', take = 'labkey', takeLabel = 'Lab Key', takeAmount = 5, takeType = 'item'},
        coords = vector3(-712.44, 5768.09, 17.33),      
        spawnPed = true,                                
        pedModel = "a_m_m_eastsa_01",                   
        pedHeading = 65.0,                              
        range = 1.5,                                    
        whitelistedJobs = {"gang", "mafia", "ballas"},  
        blacklistedJobs = { },                          
        offers = {                                      
            {give = 'moneybag', giveLabel = 'Moneybag', giveAmount = 5, giveType = 'item', take = 'phone', takeLabel = 'Phone', takeAmount = 1, takeType = 'item'}, -- For 5 breads you will get 1 water
            {give = 'fitbit', giveLabel = 'FitBit', giveAmount = 6, giveType = 'item', take = 'firstaid', takeLabel = 'First Aid Kit', takeAmount = 2, takeType = 'item'},

Language = { -- CHANGE ONLY RIGHT SIDE (leave everything in brackets as it is)
    ["PRESS_KEY"] = "Press [~g~E~s~] to open Trade Menu",
    ["NO_PERMISSION"] = "You can't trade here!",
    ["TRADER"] = "TRADER",
    ["OFFER"] = "OFFER",
    ["YES"] = "YES",
    ["NO"] = "NO",
    ["NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS"] = "You don't have enough items to make this trade!",
    ["NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE"] = "You don't have enough space in your inventory!",
    ["SUCCESS"] = "You have successfully made a trade!",
    ["COOLDOWN"] = "You have to wait %s seconds before making another trade!"

function L(id) if Language[id] then return Language[id] else return "MISSING LOCALE ("")" end end

Last updated